How to Program a 1996 Dodge Ram Key Fob, Keyless Entry Remote, Smart Key
Programming Instructions Step by Step:1. Locate the keyless entry program line - a dark green wire with a molded
plastic insulator on the end. The program line is located under the left side
of the instrument panel. The wire is taped back to the harness (Left of the
steering column near the floor) and terminated with a black rubber mold.3
2. Connect the program line from the Remote Keyless Entry Module to
groundwith a suitable jumper wire.
3. Insert the key into the ignition and turn ignition switch to the ON position.
4. Press any button on the transmitter to set code. If there is a second
transmitter it hasto be set at this time by pressing any button on the
second transmitter. The locks willlock and unlock automatically to
confirm programming.
5. Disconnect the program line from ground, turn ignition off and remove key.
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